The Reverend Iris Crain, HPS

Rev. IrisHello, my name is Iris Crain and I am a minister of the Universal Life Church, and a High Priestess and Birth-giver to the WillowMoon tradition of Neo-Paganism. I am also a homeschooler, and just recently gave my first talk about neo-paganism and homeschooling at a local festival.

I am thrilled to be able to have created the ULC Neo-Pagans Webring, and hope it will fill a need I saw when I searched the WebRing for ULC related material. I know so many people who have gotten their minister's certificates through the Universal Life Church and are neo-pagan of some sort, and yet there are so many negitive associations with the ULC that many hide the fact. I hope that with this webring we can show people that while our ordinations are from the ULC, we have our own hearts and minds, and that we can come together to make a difference in the community.

Not just the neo-pagan one either, I hope we can make a difference in the world community! I see so many Neo-pagans out there who practice discrimination against the main-stream religions, and it makes me sad to see that people who love life and the divine in such a beautiful way can show the rest of the world such uglyness. I draw much of my influence from the world, and other religions, and I teach my children tolerance for other people's beliefs. I teach them that if we can not be respectful of theirs, what makes us think they are better people to respect ours? It helps with their self-respect and fosters a sense pride in the paths I am teaching them.

I thank-you for comming to the bottom of my introductory page, and welcome you to click on any of the links I will be putting in as my time and responsiblities allow.
Blessed Be and may the Divine Immanance guide your intuition to bring you the best for your life.

Lady Isarma